Publikationen von Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Jana Kühnel
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Schleupner, R., Kühnel, J., & Melchers, K. G. (2024). Investigating the nature of psychological reattachment to work in the morning: A qualitative study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33(4), 446-461.
Patterer, A. S., Kühnel, J., & Korunka, C. (2024). Parallel effects of the need for relatedness: A three-wave panel study on how coworker social support contributes to OCB and depersonalization: a three-wave panel study on how coworker social support contributes to OCB and depersonalisation. Work and Stress, 38(1), 1-23.
Völker, J., Kühnel, J., Feinäugle, F., & Barnes, C. M. (2023). Being robbed of an hour of sleep: The impact of the transition to daylight saving time on work engagement depends on employees’ chronotype. Sleep Health, 9(5), 579-586.
Kühnel, J., Bledow, R., & Kuonath, A. (2023). Overcoming Procrastination: Time Pressure and Positive Affect as Compensatory Routes to Action. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38(4), 803-819.
Schleupner, R., Kühnel, J., Melchers, K. G., & Richter, S. (2023). Be Prepared: Does psychological reattachment buffer the effect of a bad night’s sleep on day-specific work engagement and proactivity? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(2), 287-307.
Stockkamp, M., Kuonath, A., Kühnel, J., Kennecke, S., & Frey, D. (2023). Intrinsic motivation as a double-edged sword: Investigating effects on well-being and the role of flex place practices as moderator to buffer adverse effects. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15(2), 611-628.
Patterer, A. S., Yanagida, T., Kühnel, J., & Korunka, C. (2023). Daily receiving and providing of social support at work: identifying support exchange patterns in hierarchical data. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(4), 489-505.
Straus, E., Uhlig, L., Kühnel, J., & Korunka, C. (2023). Remote workers’ well-being, perceived productivity, and engagement: which resources should HRM improve during COVID-19? A longitudinal diary study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(15), 2960-2990.
Schweitzer, V. M., Rivkin, W., Gerpott, F. H., Diestel, S., Kühnel, J., Prem, R., & Wang, M. (2023). Some positivity per day can protect you a long way: A within-person field experiment to test an affect-resource model of employee effectiveness at work. Work and Stress, 37(4), 446-465.,
Weigelt, O., French, K. A., Bloom, J. D., Dietz, C., Knoll, M., Kühnel, J., Meier, L. L., Prem, R., Pindek, S., Schmitt, A., Syrek, C. J., & Rink, F. A. (2022). Moving from opposition to taking ownership of open science to make discoveries that matter. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 15(4), 529-532.
Weigelt, O., French, K. A., Bloom, J. D., Dietz, C., Knoll, M., Kühnel, J., Meier, L. L., Prem, R., Pindek, S., Schmitt, A., Syrek, C. J., & Rink, F. (2022). Moving from opposition to taking ownership of open science to make discoveries that matter. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Bledow, R., Kühnel, J., Jin, M., & Kuhl, J. (2022). Breaking the chains: The inverted-u-shaped relationship between action-state orientation and creativity under low job autonomy. Journal of Management, 48(4), 905-935.
Gerpott, F. H., Bledow, R., & Kühnel, J. (2022). Inspire but don’t interfere: Managerial influence as a double-edged sword for innovation. Applied Psychology: an international review, 71(2), 359-379.
Bloom, J. D., Syrek, C. J., Kühnel, J., & Vahle-Hinz, T. (2022). Unlimited Paid Time Off Policies: Unlocking the Best and Unleashing the Beast. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Artikel 812187.
Kühnel, J., Bledow, R., & Kiefer, M. (2022). There is a time to be creative: The alignment between chronotype and time of day. Academy of Management Journal, 65(1), 218-247.
Syrek, C. J., Kühnel, J., Vahle-Hinz, T., & Bloom, J. D. (2022). Being an accountant, cook, entertainer and teacher - all at the same time: Changes in employees' work and work-related well-being during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. International Journal of Psychology, 57(1), 20-32.
Schleupner, R., Kühnel, J., & Melchers, K. G. (2022). Be Prepared: How Psychological Reattachment Buffers the Effect of a Bad Night’s Sleep. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).
Maier, T., Kühnel, J., & Zimmermann, B. (2022). How did you sleep tonight? The relevance of sleep quality and sleep–wake rhythm for procrastination at work. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Artikel 785154.
Patterer, A. S., Yanagida, T., Kühnel, J., & Korunka, C. (2021). Staying in touch, yet expected to be? A diary study on the relationship between personal smartphone use at work and work-nonwork interaction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 94(3), 735-761.
Schweitzer, V. M., Rivkin, W., Diestel, S., Gerpott, F. H., Kühnel, J., & Prem, R. (2021). A Within-Person Field Experiment to Test an Affect-Resource Model of Employee Effectiveness at Work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1).
Schleupner, R., & Kühnel, J. (2021). Fueling work engagement: The role of sleep, health, and overtime. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, Artikel 592850.
Kühnel, J., Diestel, S., & Melchers, K. G. (2021). An ambulatory diary study of mobile device use, sleep, and positive mood. International Journal of Stress Management, 28(1), 32-45.
Prem, R., Schweitzer, V. M., Rivkin, W., Diestel, S., Gerpott, F. H., & Kühnel, J. (2021). A within-person field experiment to test an affect-resource model of emplyee effectiveness at work. in Academy of Management Proceedings
Syrek, C. J., Kühnel, J., Nägel, I. J., & Vahle-Hinz, T. (2021). Managing the Work-Nonwork Interface: Personal Social Media Use as a Tool to Craft Boundaries? in C. Korunka (Hrsg.), Flexible Working Practices and Approaches (S. 39-58). Springer.
Vahle-Hinz, T., Bloom, J. D., Syrek, C. J., & Kühnel, J. (2021). Putting the Episodic Process Model to the Test: Explaining Intraindividual Fluctuations in Job Performance Across the Working Day. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36(1), 71-84.
Patterer, A. S., Yanagida, T., Kühnel, J., & Korunka, C. (2021). Staying in touch, yet quite expected to do so? A diary study on the relationship between personal smartphone use at work and work-nonwork interaction. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Sonnentag, S., Eck, K., Fritz, C., & Kühnel, J. (2020). Morning Reattachment to Work and Work Engagement During the Day: A Look at Day-Level Mediators. Journal of Management, 46(8), 1408-1435.
Kühnel, J., Bledow, R., & Kiefer, M. (2020). Creativity and the alignment between chronotype and time of day. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2020(1).
Melchers, K. G., Bill, B., Buehl, A.-K., Rybczynski, K., & Kühnel, J. (2020). Identification of the targeted performance dimensions and self-promotion in interviews: investigations of uncharted waters. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(5), 728-739.
Kühnel, J., Vahle-Hinz, T., Bloom, J. D., & Syrek, C. J. (2020). Staying in touch while at work: Relationships between personal social media use at work and work-nonwork balance and creativity. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(10), 1235-1261.
Feuerhahn, N., & Kühnel, J. (2019). „Open Space“ – geht so Büro heute? Chancen und Risiken in den neuen Büroarbeitswelten. Sicherheitsingenieur, 2, 8-10.
Schultchen, D., Bayer, J., Kühnel, J., Melchers, K. G., & Pollatos, O. (2019). Interoceptive accuracy is related to long‐term stress via self‐regulation. Psychophysiology, 56(10), Artikel e13429.
Buehl, A.-K., Melchers, K. G., Macan, T., & Kühnel, J. (2019). Tell Me Sweet Little Lies: How Does Faking in Interviews Affect Interview Scores and Interview Validity? Journal of Business and Psychology, 34(1), 107–124.
Vahle-Hinz, T., Syrek, C. J., Kühnel, J., & Feuerhahn, N. (2019). Private Nutzung sozialer Medien am Arbeitsplatz. in B. Badura, A. Ducki, H. Schröder, J. Klose, & M. Meyer (Hrsg.), Fehlzeiten-Report 2019: Digitalisierung (S. 237-248). Springer.
Kühnel, J., Bledow, R., Stark, L., & Kiefer, M. (2018). There is a Time to be Creative: The Interplay between Chronotype and Time of Day. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Kühnel, J., Syrek, C. J., & Dreher, A. (2018). Why Don’t You Go to Bed on Time? A Daily Diary Study on the Relationships between Chronotype, Self-Control Resources and the Phenomenon of Bedtime Procrastination. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Artikel 77.
Syrek, C. J., Weigelt, O., Kühnel, J., & Bloom, J. D. (2018). All I want for Christmas is recovery – changes in employee affective well-being before and after vacation. Work and Stress, 32(4), 313-333.
Feuerhahn, N., & Kühnel, J. (2018). Biologische Rhythmen bei der Arbeitszeitengestaltung berücksichtigen. in Taschenbuch für Sicherheitsbeauftragte 2019 UNIVERSUM.
Feuerhahn, N., & Kühnel, J. (2018). Biologische Rhythmen bei der Arbeitszeitengestaltung berücksichtigen. in Jahresfachbuch Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit 2019 UNIVERSUM.
Kühnel, J., Sonnentag, S., Bledow, R., & Melchers, K. G. (2017). The relevance of sleep and circadian misalignment for procrastination among shift workers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(1), 110-133.
Kuonath, A., Specht, J., Kühnel, J., Pachler, D., & Frey, D. (2017). Keeping up day-specific effects of transformational leadership: the role of followers’ emotion regulation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(6), 828-843.
Syrek, C. J., Kühnel, J., Vahle-Hinz, T., & Bloom, J. D. (2017). Share, like, twitter, and connect: Ecological momentary assessment to examine the relationship between non-work social media use at work and work engagement. Work and Stress, 32(3), 209-227.
Bledow, R., Carette, B., Kühnel, J., & Bister, D. (2017). Learning From Others’ Failures: The Effectiveness of Failure Stories for Managerial Learning. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 16(1), 39-53.
Feuerhahn, N., & Kühnel, J. (2017). Arbeitszeitgestaltung und biologische Rhythmen der Menschen (Daten und Fakten). in Taschenbuch für Sicherheitsbeauftragte 2018 im öffentlichen Dienst UNIVERSUM.
Gerpott, F. H., Bledow, R., Jin, M., & Kühnel, J. (2017). Inspire But Don’t Interfere: Leadership as A Double-Edged Sword for Innovation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Kühnel, J., Zacher, H., Bloom, J. D., & Bledow, R. (2017). Take a break! Benefits of sleep and short breaks for daily work engagement. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(4), 481-491.
Kühnel, J., Bledow, R., & Feuerhahn, N. (2016). When do you procrastinate? Sleep quality and social sleep lag jointly predict self-regulatory failure at work: Procrastination and Sleep. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37(7), 983-1002.
Feuerhahn, N., & Kühnel, J. (2016). Checkliste Nacht- und Schichtarbeit – Worauf muss man achten? in Taschenbuch für Sicherheitsbeauftragte 2017 im öffentlichen Dienst UNIVERSUM.
Sonnentag, S., & Kühnel, J. (2016). Coming back to work in the morning: Psychological detachment and reattachment as predictors of work engagement. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(4), 379–390.
Nägel, I. J., Sonnentag, S., & Kühnel, J. (2015). Motives matter: A diary study on the relationship between job stressors and exercise after work. International Journal of Stress Management, 22(4), 346–371.
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